Mustaqbal University, represented by the College of Administrative and Human Sciences offered a scientific lecture titled "Legal Drafting: Science or Art?"

Continuing Mustaqbal University’s efforts to improve its students’ skill levels, connect theoretical knowledge with practical aspects, and fulfill the university’s mission and academic programs, the College of Administrative and Human Sciences, represented by the Department of Law, in collaboration with the Skills and Capabilities Development Unit and the College Activities Committee, held a scientific lecture titled “Legal Drafting: Science or Art?”, which was presented by Dr. Alhassan Abkas. The lecture covered various issues, including:

– The nature of legal drafting.
– Fields of legal drafting.
– Legal drafting: Science or Art?
– How about language in legal drafting?
– Indicates legal drafting proficiency.
Over 100 people attended the presentation, and afterward, the floor was offered for debate and questions.